
Fuel Your Growth

Leaders are learners. Leverage these posts as a personal library for your development.

Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

Leading With Vision Starts With Seeing & Believing

Leading with vision is not something we’re taught in manager basics.

Why wait until you’re a Director, VP, or in the C-suite to begin honing these skills?  The answer is you shouldn’t.

I have a guided exercise to challenge and inspire you. The key with vision is it has to start with you.

What are you seeing, believing, and working towards achieving?

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Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

What If We Didn’t Fake It Til We Made It?

What if we didn’t fake it til we made it?

How many of us received that advice in our early management career? The intent was to boost our confidence in the face of our imposter syndrome.

The byproduct? A huge missed opportunity to hone our vulnerability skills - one of the most important qualities of a fantastic leader.

Explore the advice we should share instead.

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Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

Goals - Lessons From Triathlon

Goals matter. They give us clarity, purpose, confidence, achievement, and personal growth.

AND we’re not always terribly great with goals - personally and professionally.

Today I share my recent experience with goals and then some thoughts to challenge and support your own pursuit of goals as a human, a leader, and someone who wants to have an impact.

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Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

5 Steps to Get the Strategic Time You Need

Are your meetings managing you or are you managing your meetings?

Do you find yourself in back to back to back meetings with very little strategic thinking and planning time?

Use these 5 tactical strategies to shift from being managed by your calendar to you managing and driving your own time.

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Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

Executive Presence - The Great Catchall

When did executive presence become the catchall for leadership development conversations?

You know it when you see it, but how does that help our future leaders? How are we helping them develop this critical, intangible skill if we’re treating it as a catchall?

So this performance review cycle, what if we got more specific?

What elements of executive presence are you wanting to see in your people?

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Katie Ceccarini Katie Ceccarini

Making Feedback Low Stakes, High Frequency

We stereotypically think of feedback as high stakes and low frequency.

What if we shifted that?

What about making feedback low stakes and high frequency?

I’ve found the key to enabling this shift is two fold: build the relationship and master your transition.

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