Executive Presence - The Great Catchall
When did executive presence become the catchall for leadership development conversations?
I’ve noticed a cyclical pattern has emerged with my clients and I can’t help but notice it’s tied to performance review cycles and includes a two word phrase: executive presence.
It goes a little bit like this…
One is told in their performance review they need work on their executive presence.
They are unsure what exactly their boss is meaning.
They are left not knowing how to make progress on an area being perceived as career limiting.
For fun, I did a quick Google search on the definition of executive presence. Check out the variety of answers:
Executive Presence is the ability to project confidence and gravitas (substance) under pressure.
The ability to inspire and empower others.
Others feel relieved knowing they are in charge.
It’s instilling a sense of confidence in others.
People with good executive presence present themselves as calm, even-keeled, and composed.
Executive presence falls in the camp of “you know it when you see it.”
But how does that help our future leaders? How are we helping them develop this critical, intangible skill if we’re treating it as a catchall?
So this performance review cycle, what if we got more specific?
What elements of executive presence are you wanting to see in your people?
Are you wanting your team member to...
Create and communicate vision with greater regularity?
Build strategic plans for their team for 12-18 months out?
Pose broader, deeper questions during brainstorming sessions?
Demonstrate more decisive decision making at critical junctures?
Model stronger confidence when presenting?
Practice a poker face when in a disagreement?
Learn how to disagree and commit?
Or try this…break it down this way: what would you like to see your people DO and how would you like them to BE?
If we approached development in this area in this way, what would shift in your conversations? What would shift with implementation and career development?