Finding Your Leadership Voice

Leadership fundamentals for emerging leaders.

Remove the guesswork of what it takes to successfully transition into management.

Start your management & leadership career off on the right foot.

As a Team Lead, newly promoted manager, or someone with their sights on management, discover foundational leadership concepts that will enable you to lead yourself, lead others, and lead for outcomes.

What you can expect with this course:

  • Construct and write a Personal Leadership Statement.

  • Design an action plan for successfully transitioning to managing former peers.

  • Practice the Leader Mindset to think ahead, set goals, and prioritize needs.

  • Rein in your Imposter Syndrome by learning the self-awareness strategies all leaders need.

  • Top notch resources to leverage well beyond the course.

What People Are Saying

Finding Your Leadership Voice

Next cohort likely to be early 2025.

Register Now


  • This course includes 4 1-hour sessions and is completed over the course of 3 weeks.

    The next cohort folks can individually enroll in will likely be February 2025.

    If you’re interested in this course for your employees, reach out to to arrange a custom cohort and schedule for your team.

  • This course was designed for:

    • High performing individual contributors interested in a future in leadership

    • Team Leads who struggle with the balance between IC work and management

    • New managers with functional expertise and are craving leadership skill building

    • Emerging Leaders battling imposter syndrome

  • Training cohorts can vary in size, and they never exceed 23 participants.

    We believe development happens through conversation, and a small group enables us to go deep and address the real challenges and vulnerabilities facing managers and leaders today.

    You will also benefit from meeting and working with emerging leaders from other organizations.

  • For individuals, the cost is $650.

    For teams or organizations who want Finding Your Leadership Voice for their crew, please reach out to to discuss needs, vision, timeline, and cost.

  • Yes, many leaders have successfully received manager approval and/or used their learning stipend for this course.

    You can use this template to request approval:

    Hi [manager]!

    There's a leadership development workshop I'd love to take.

    The course is for people interested in stepping into management and for first time managers making the tough transition from peer to manager. I’ll learn leadership styles, tactics, and strategies to help me grow to have an even stronger impact on the team.

    There are two instructors for this course.

    Andrea Riesen is the lead facilitator. She’s been leading leadership development courses for years, and most recently has helped >400 emerging leaders learn critical skills to more successfully kick off their management and leadership journeys.

    Katie Ceccarini is a Certified Executive Coach and a Guest Facilitator. She works with companies like eBay, Discover, VMware, and Litmus to develop their managers.

    Here's a link to the course if you'd like to check it out:

    It's $650 - which is a steal given the length of course, the resources, and the access I’ll have to Andrea and Katie.

    Can I expense this?

  • If you’re on vacation or something takes you away from a scheduled session, we will provide a recording.

Meet Your Instructors

Emerging leaders will have the benefit of learning from two highly experienced facilitators.

We believe development happens through conversation and we will lead you through discussion topics and tactical skills that will set you up for success.

  • Lead Course Facilitator

    Andrea has focused her career on developing leaders. For the last few years, she has worked with >400 emerging leaders. 100% of them reported gaining “leadership insights that will help set me up for success for future leadership.”

  • Founder, Endurance Management Coaching

    Katie is on a mission to develop our next generation of incredible people leaders. Katie is a guest speaker in Leadership for Emerging Leaders and brings her 20 years of management and leadership expertise.

Finding Your Leadership Voice

Next cohort likely to be early 2025.

Register Now


Course Syllabus

Session1: Leadership Starts Within

  • Learn the role self-awareness plays in successful leadership

  • Identify your personal strengths to combat your Imposter Syndrome

  • Devise a plan to leverage your strengths more in your work

Session 2: Leadership Styles & Strategies for Success

  • Explore multiple leadership styles and how they can be deployed

  • Collaborate to identify and illustrate expectations of a leader

  • Identify actions needed to shift from an individual team member to manager

  • Create your Personal Leadership Statement 

Session 3: Strategic Communication for Leaders 

  • Discuss 5 ways to reduce barriers to effective communication

  • Practice active listening and learn how great leaders leverage it

  • Learn 4 steps to Strategic Communication

Session 4: Strategically Strengthening Relationships

  • Design an action plan for resetting relationships with former peers

  • Expand your communication capacity to motivate, inspire and empower people

  • Identify how to adapt your communication style to increase your leadership influence

  • Learn 6 tactics to boost your ability to form strong relationships

Finding Your Leadership Voice

Next cohort likely to be early 2025.

Register Now