3 tactics to get you into the Driver’s Seat
Amidst the uncertainty in the economic & political climate, a theme is emerging in calls with clients.
I’m hearing strong desires to get into the Driver’s Seat vs passively being in the Backseat.
What that looks like:
Influencing org change roles & responsibilities vs waiting for leadership decisions
Intentionally taking on energizing work vs saying yes to everything thrown your way
Proactively proving the value of ERGs vs waiting to hear the groups’ fate
Today I’m going to offer 3 tactics to get you into the Driver’s Seat:
Know your wanting
Statement of intention
Gaining buy-in & advocates
Know Your Wanting
The question most of us don’t ask enough:
What do I want?
Some variations to illustrate:
What impact do I want to have in 2025?
What do I want for myself in this re-org?
What work do I want on my plate?
What do I want in this situation?
Your scope of work has changed, does it align with what you want for your career?
Your company is being acquired, do you want the role they’re offering?
You’re bored in your role, do you want to keep cruising?
With greater clarity for what you’re wanting, you’re now more empowered to design action to put yourself in the Driver’s Seat.
Statement Of Intention
During times of uncertainty, it’s easy to be in the Backseat and passively await direction.
My favorite tactic for getting up into the Driver’s Seat is shifting my language from asking to telling.
Some examples:
I’m anticipating we’re going to need to train folks up for these new responsibilities they’re taking on. Here’s what I’m intending to do this week to make the process easier…
We’re going to need a talent strategy for this acquisition. Unless I hear otherwise, I intend to move forward with devising a comprehensive plan and will plan to bring it back to you by the end of next week.
I’d love to get ahead of how we’re approaching this new SMB segment, so what I’m intending to do is…
Worst case: they tell you no.
Medium case: they want to hear more before you dive in.
Best case: they’re relieved someone is being proactive and showing ownership.
I like to bet on myself and drive towards creating the best case reaction.
Gaining Buy-In & Advocates
Some of you have heard and seen this before.
It bears resurfacing and revisiting.
When you’re consciously shifting from Backseat to Driver’s Seat, your approach to securing buy-in needs to shift.
Backseat approach:
The quest for buy-in tends to start with the statement: “I’d like to get your buy-in on something.”
Then the person proceeds to share their idea. Once done, they then often land on their heels - fielding questions, pushback, and generally are now in a defensive position.
This is not terribly efficient or effective. This type of buy-in leaves people feeling as though they are being sold vs a) understanding what’s being solved and b) being involved in the solution.
Driver’s Seat approach:
You will increase your empowerment, your influence, and your effectiveness by taking this approach:
First, connect your audience to the Problem: The business challenge at hand is…
Then offer the Solution: I’ve identified a path forward…
Proactively share the considerations and Tradeoffs you’ve considered: A tradeoff we’re making by taking this path is…and the reason why I believe it’s an acceptable tradeoff is…
To this point, you’re speaking the language of the decisions makers - you’ve made it about business and you’ve demonstrated upstream and downstream considerations for the validity of your proposed action.
Here’s where you really bring it home…
You request Input, not feedback: What are you seeing that would strengthen this plan?
You’re consciously asking for additive input. The nature of asking it this way means you’re keeping them in solution mode with you. You’re bringing them into the fold and making them feel involved in the solution.
When you ask, “do you have any feedback,” people inherently look to point out holes and find things that are wrong.
If you have a well crafted idea you want to put forward that solves a business challenge, you want partners who will help you strengthen your plan, not cut it down.
Then you incorporate their Input and Ask to move things forward: As next steps, I’m going to add what you mentioned about xyz, and then I’d propose I get signoff from A. Does that feel like the right path forward?
This approach keeps you in the Driver’s Seat and increases your influence and agency.
That’s it for today!
What’s resonating most?
What will you do to get yourself into the Driver’s Seat?