Want to Lead Well? Take Care of Yourself

“Attitude reflects leadership.” 


It’s not simply a powerful quote.  It’s the pivotal scene in Remember the Titans that leadership shifts.


It’s been on my mind as I think about what’s required of leaders, and of leadership through Covid.


Leaders have been running themselves ragged, especially the last year.


Between economic uncertainty, lay offs last year, crazy hiring numbers this year, remote learning, lack of childcare, and no physical barriers between work and life, the last year will go down as one of the toughest years of leadership in our career.  


We haven’t been working at home, we’ve been living at work.


Attitude reflects leadership.  If we, as leaders, aren’t finding separation between work and home, how are our people?  If we, as leaders, aren’t refueling our tanks, how can we ask that of our people?


A leader setting the tone starts with the ability to lead self.  


Leading yourself to what you’re needing.  Leading yourself to understand your own “why.”  Leading your own growth and development.  Leading yourself to create and maintain boundaries.  Leading your own well being with rest and exercise.


“If we are not at home within ourselves, it is difficult to make grounded, conscious choices.” 


Self-care can be a phrase that sparks eye rolls.  Or perhaps it gets the reaction of, “yeah, wouldn’t it be nice?!”


Self-care is not an option if we want to lead well.


Are you treating yourself the way you’d treat others?  Likely not.


Let’s set you up for success.  Let’s get your proverbial oxygen mask on first so you can be your best for others.


Give thought to these questions and then will you commit to 1-2 actions that will help you lead yourself? 


- Who are you at your best?

- What will refuel your tank?

- What boundaries are you needing?

- What new habit will you create for yourself?


I’m here to support you!


In The Weeds - To Be or Not To Be?


You Are A Leader