3 Steps to Move Past Assumptions
One of the most rewarding areas I love to explore with leaders is the Land of Assumptions.
Assumptions are all around us and it’s amazing the stronghold they have on us.
For example…
Have you held off on having a tough conversation because you assumed the person would react poorly?
Have you assumed your insight didn’t matter so you’ve held off on speaking up in a meeting?
Have you assumed a decision has already been made and not offered an alternative view?
Have you assumed something was obvious and didn’t offer the perspective?
Have you assumed someone to be stuck in their ways and given up on sharing how their actions impact team culture?
The answer is yes, we’ve all been there.
We’ve had past experiences, created meaning of those experiences, and now we believe the outcome will be a certain way when faced with a similar experience.
The tricky part is recognizing we’re in the land of assumptions and not enabling our assumption to be our decision maker.
What can you do?
Step #1: Notice
Notice when it’s feeling really binary, very cut and dry. “If I do this, then that will happen.” This is a good first clue an assumption could be driving your thoughts and action.
Step #2: Get Curious
Ask yourself:
What assumptions am I making?
What’s factually true here?
What about my past experience is dictating what I assume will happen here?
What’s different this time?
Step #3: Move to Action
And now, it's time to formulate a new action.
What am I really trying to accomplish?
What’s the challenge? Ok, now what’s the real challenge?
What do I see differently when I recognize this is an assumption?
If I knew I wouldn’t fail, what action would I take?
How can I leverage my past experience to better inform another approach?
Now look to your week. Look to the decisions on your plate. Look to your interactions. What assumptions are binding you?